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  • Friday, April 25, 2008

    Shoes that grow

    Have a hard time keeping your growing child in shoes? Try shoes that grow with their feet.

    They're called Inchworms!

    Weekend fun for kids

    The National Children's Theater Festival "Kids Fest" is this weekend.

    The 2nd Annual All Kids included free arts festival on Watson Island.
    All Kids Included Community Festival Saturday, April 26, 2008
    10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
    Join us for a FREE exciting day devoted to kids of all abilities! The day will be filled with special performances, face painting, balloon artists, arts and crafts and more!

    The Pompano Beach Seafood Festival is this weekend.

    Casting call: MTV Teen Dreams Auditions.

    Female singers 16 to 25 and their mothers to participate in the new reality series Dream Team on MTV. RSVP to teendreamcasting@gmail.com
    9am to 4pm Sunday April 27th
    Hard Rock Cafe-Biscayne
    401 Biscayne Blvd. Downtown Miami

    Yucky is cool

    Kids like everything yucky. Boogers, ear wax, burps and gas. It makes them giggle. So why not combine yucky and science and see what happens. Learning! Here is the yuckiest site on the internet. Check it out with your kids.

    A couple of yucky but eduational books you may want to pick up. Everyone Poops and The Gas we Pass.

    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Paris BFF

    Do you wanna be Paris Hilton's BFF?

    BFF wannabes may set up profiles, start blogs, and post photos and video at ParisBFF.com, explaining why they should be one of the twenty contestants who battles it out for P.H’s companionship. Fans will vote on which online contestant make it onto the show.

    Click here.

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Take 'em to work

    The national date for the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® program is Thursday, April 24th!

    It's About Teamwork! Working together with employers, employees, parents, mentors, and educators is key to creating a successful day that strengthens the connection between education and work and relationships between parents and their children.

    The Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Foundation, administrators of the program, is delighted to bring you another opportunity to create an enriching educational experience for our nation’s daughters and sons. For over 15 years, individuals, families and workplaces have joined in expanding opportunities and transforming the lives of millions of girls and boys both nationally and internationally.

    Designed to be more than a career day, the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® program goes beyond the average “shadow” an adult. Exposing girls and boys to what a parent or mentor in their lives do during the work day is important, but showing them the value of their education, helping them discover the power and possibilities associated with a balanced work and family life, providing them an opportunity to share how they envision the future and begin steps toward their end goals in a hands-on and interactive environment is key to their achieving success. Each year, development of new interactive activities and partnerships will assist us in taking girls and boys to the future they dream of.

    Say thanks

    Administrative Professionals Week – April 20-26, 2008
    Administrative Professionals Day – Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Fact Sheet: Administrative Professionals 2008

    A Large and Growing Profession …

    · 4.2 million administrative assistants and secretaries, along with 1.4 million supervisors of office and administrative support staff, were employed in the United States in 2006 (U.S. Dept. of Labor).

    · 476,000 administrative professionals are employed in Canada, including 365,670 secretaries, 26,390 executive assistants and 84,140 clerical supervisors (Statistics Canada).

    · 362,000 administrative assistant and secretarial positions will be added in the U.S. between 2006 and 2016, representing growth of 8.5%. More than 82,000 office supervisor positions will be added. (U.S. Dept. of Labor).

    A Hub of Information and Communication in the Office
    Typical duties of today’s administrative professionals:

    Prepare documents, correspondence and presentations
    Produce spreadsheet reports
    Coordinate multiple schedules and calendars
    Maintain computer files, directories and databases
    Plan meetings and special events
    Purchase office equipment and supplies and work with vendors
    Participate on project teams
    Interview, orient and supervise other staff
    Conduct Internet research

    Salaries Are Rising …

    · $37,240 - Average 2006 annual earnings of U.S. executive secretaries and administrative assistants (U.S. Dept. of Labor).

    · 3.2% - Expected average increase in starting salaries for administrative professionals in 2008 (OfficeTeam 2008 Salary Guide).

    Administrative Professionals Week (April 20-26, 2008)

    · Administrative Professionals Week and Administrative Professionals Day (Wednesday, April 23, 2008) call attention to the important workplace role of administrative professionals. The 2008 Administrative Professionals Week theme is “Forward Moving.”

    · Observed since 1952, Administrative Professionals Week is originated and solely sponsored by the International Association of Administrative Professionals.

    · IAAP recommends that employers observe Administrative Professionals Week by providing education and training to administrative staff through seminars, continuing education and self-study materials.

    IAAP is the world’s leading association for administrative professionals,with 600 chapters and more than 40,000 members and affiliates worldwide

    Cell phone uses

    10 things you didn't know your phone could do

    By Kent German, Senior editor, CNET Reviews

    Everyone knows you can make calls and send messages with your cell phone, but even the simplest handsets have a variety of uses. You don't need to download extra applications or purchase any accessories to use these features; rather, they exist on your phone from the moment you take it out of the box. While cell phone junkies should see nothing new here, other users may find new ways to use their cell phone that they didn't know before.

    Flashlight: Drop your keys in the dark, or perhaps you need to read a map on a rural road? If your camera phone has a flash you should be able to use it as an emergency flashlight. If you can find a "steady" setting in the flash menu, your flash will remain on until you turn it off. If there is no such setting, and your phone has a camcorder option, try activating your flash while recording a video. The flash will remain active for the duration of the shoot, though keep in mind some camera phones cap recording time at just a few seconds.

    Voice recorder: Many phones have this feature, but you might be surprised at just how useful it can be. Let's say your short term memory is down to a few seconds. With your voice recorder, also called an audio recorder on some handsets, you can record short notes to yourself and play them back later. It can be a great way to remember an address or a few random facts, or to record a shopping list. What's more, some recorders allow you to save your important notes for posterity.

    Camera and notes: Most people know that camera phones can be useful for car accidents or fighting parking tickets, but they also can be great for shopping as well. Say you're shopping for a new gadget and you want to take home a full list of the specs for the models you're considering. Instead of using a pen and paper, you can take a picture of the product's placard and then refer to it later. This method is also useful for remembering rambling or unintuitive product names.

    Google search:
    If you're on a trip in an unfamiliar city and you have a burrito craving, your cell phone can be a much better tool than the Yellow Pages. Google offers a free service that delivers a variety of information through text message. By texting simple queries to 466453 (or "Google" on most devices), you can find the closest Mexican restaurant in addition to things like the current weather forecast or movie show times at local theaters. Texting the name of a restaurant will give you the address and phone number, which you can then call for information or reservations.

    Send a voice message: There may be times where you want to send your friend a message that's too long to send by text. Or maybe it's after 11 p.m. and you don't want to disturb him with a phone call. Some phones allow you to send voice mails directly to another phone's voice mail without actually placing a phone call.

    Bluetooth file transfers: Everyone knows about Bluetooth headsets, but Bluetooth has a long list of other uses. Previously some manufacturers and carriers restricted how Bluetooth was used on their phones, but most of those limitations no longer exist. Using Bluetooth, you can transfer photos and other files off your camera phone to another Bluetooth device. The process is exceedingly easy, and it's free since you won't have to use your carrier's messaging service.

    Record calls: Some handsets allow you to record your conversations. This feature may be buried under an obscure menu, and it may record only for a limited time, but it works much better than trying to use any kind of external recording device. But before you start taking cues from Linda Tripp, it's important to remember that some states require you to notify the person that you're recording the conversation.

    Organizer features: Every cell phone on the market has at least a couple of organizer features. The alarm clock is one of the most useful offerings, particularly when you're traveling, and most of the time your phone does not need to be on for the alarm to sound. Other features can include a calendar, a calculator, a notepad, a world clock, a stopwatch, a countdown timer, and applications for converting currencies or units of measurement. But the best feature of all has to be the convenient tip calculator. You can punch in the total bill amount, calculate the tip, and divide the total cost by the number of people down to the last penny. Though it's not available in every cell phone, it can save a lot of drama at group dinners.

    POP3 e-mail:
    If your phone has a Web browser, and the vast majority do, you can access POP3 e-mail accounts like Yahoo or Hotmail. The interface will be different than on a PC, and graphics may not render properly, but if you need to read an important e-mail while on the go, this is the way to do it. After opening your browser, just type in the correct link then enter your login and password as normal.

    Ringtone composer: Many phones, particularly Sony Ericsson and Motorola models, allow you to compose your own ringtones. Not only does this allow you to add an extreme level of personalization to your phone, but you can avoid buying new ringtones from your carrier. You don't need to be musically gifted, but it can help.

    Cell phone = trees

    Your Used Cell Phone = One Newly Planted Tree

    iRecyclePhones.com, in union with American Forest, will plant one tree for each cell phone that’s donated.

    The company’s President, Lonnie Jones, saw an opportunity to make a difference – after all, over 100 million phones are discarded each year, causing severe damage to ecosystems worldwide.

    How Can You Donate Your Phone Today and Add a New Tree to Our Planet? Click here.

    Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    Celebrate earth day

    Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens, 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables.

    The gardens will open its doors for free on Earth Day (April 22), and offer earth-friendly products at a 10% discount. This will be a good day to tour the grounds, have a family picnic, admire the monumental sculptures of Fernando Botero, Roy Lichtenstein and Dale Chihuly, or simply sit on a bench and read your favorite book while overlooking 83 acres of lush tropical paradise.


    Mr. Electricity will be on hand at the Museum of Discovery and Science this weekend for Earth Day activities, including an energy show sponsored by FP&L. Robert Krampf will have presentations on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. , 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.


    Lion Country Safari, 2003 Lion Country Safari Road, Loxahatchee

    The safari will host a "Party for the Planet" this weekend through craft projects, tours of the grounds and animals and a contest for the best artwork. Events will take place 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    Lion Country Safari's "Party for the Planet" is part of the Association of Zoos and Aquarium's "Conservation Made Simple" public education campaign that encourages families to learn about and conserve the planet.

    The park is open daily from 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. The last car is admitted an hour before closing. Admission is $22.99 for adults and children older than 10; $20.99 for adults older than 65; and $17.49 for children ages 3-9.

    Green house

    Put sunscreen on your home!

    Damage from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet is the primary cause of fading to your furnishings. To shield your valuables, Llumar Window Film® Residential Films reject almost 100 percent of damaging ultraviolet and up to 82% of total solar energy ¾ protecting your valuable furnishings, flooring and decor. Air-conditioning costs are minimized making it easier for your home to keep its cool.

    Find out more.

    Green Joe

    How to green your coffee or tea.

    Coffee is the world’s most commonly traded commodity after crude oil, and tea is the world’s most consumed beverage after water. So if tea and coffee are up there with oil and water on the world stage, we know there must be a lot at stake here. One thing that’s definitely at stake is our desire to get a delicious, healthy, perky, fairly-traded, and eco-friendly brew to sip. Here’s a quick spin through some of the finer points of green coffee and tea connoisseurship.

    Top 10 Tips
    Here are 10 highly effective ways to go greener. Hit it.

    1. The local brew
    Seek out the coffee and tea that have traveled the least distance to reach you and also aim at supporting local, independent farms, cafés, and roasters.

    2. Mug shots
    Go ahead, find that perfect mug and make the investment. Not only is a reusable mug more pleasurable to sip out of than a paper cup, but it will replace an untold number of disposable cups, plastic sippy tops, “java jackets,” and other disposable paraphernalia. If you've got a thing for paper cups and Greek art, try a more durable "We Are Happy to Serve You," the handy-work of TreeHugger founder Graham Hill. Make a quick tally of how many disposable coffee or tea cups you use in a month…yeah, it’s probably a lot.

    3. Organic
    Coffee and tea that bear organic certification are more eco-friendly because they are grown and processed without toxic chemicals, are cultivated and harvested in ways that protect sensitive ecosystems, and spare workers from exposure to harmful pesticides and herbicides. Shade grown coffee is another important category that preserves habitats for migratory birds on coffee farms, also letting beans mature more slowly and creating richer flavors.

    4. Fair Trade
    Not only does certified fair trade coffee and tea help ensure living wages and safe working conditions for farmers, but TransFair and Rainforest Alliance both include rigorous environmental standards in their certification criteria.

    5. Home brew
    The local café is great. It’s got your friends, good food, free wireless. But if you think you can be greener in your own kitchen, give it a try. When you do it at home you know where the beans and leaves are coming from and also where they go when they’re spent. Plus, you can’t forget your mug, you can choose organic milk, and never toss out another paper sugar packet. Try a bit of quick math on the cost savings of making your morning cup-o-joe at home.

    6. Loosen up
    Tea bags and coffee filters can be useful but are mostly unnecessary. Great coffee can be made at home with a reusable filter or a stovetop espresso maker. A quality tea infuser can last a lifetime and replace an untold number of (questionably compostable) tea bags. If you do use filters and bags, look for biodegradable and unbleached ones.

    7. Milk and sugar
    Most people put one thing or another in their hot beverage of choice. Don’t foul up your organic, fair trade, bird friendly, solar roasted brew with chemical and hormone-laden milk and sugar from a little paper packet. If you don’t do the cow thing, look for organic rice, soy, or almond milk to yin up your yang. In the U.S., TransFair also certifies sugar, so even your sugar can be fair trade. (Maple syrup in coffee is another well-kept secret.)

    8. "Press" the issue
    If the local coffee shop you love doesn’t carry coffee and tea that meet your standards, start asking politely. Starbucks has a universal policy under which they will brew a French press of fair trade coffee for anyone who asks. Take the Starbucks Challenge and see if your barista knows what Starbucks has committed to.

    9. Compost the roast
    Tea leaves and especially coffee grounds make outstanding compost. Coffee’s high nitrogen content has made it a fertilizer of choice since days of yore. Composting leaves and grounds helps keep organic waste out of landfills, makes great soil, and keeps waste baskets dry. If you don’t have a heap to toss it on, just spread coffee grounds on the top of your plants’ soil.

    10. Gift the good stuff
    Organic coffee and tea make superb gifts for friends and coworkers, as well as effective peace offerings for estranged family members and ex-lovers. It’s also a great way to get people appreciating the many benefits of a “greener” coffee or tea habit.

    Wear green

    Wearing green today takes on a whole new meaning. Many stylish items are becoming truly green as more Earth-friendly fabrics, made from fibers grown without chemicals, go mainstream. The lineup includes organic cotton, silk, soy, linen, wool, hemp and even bamboo.

    Learn more about wearing earth friendly clothes.

    What will you do to help the environment?

    Monday, April 21, 2008

    Atta boy

    What's the nicest way you've been recognized for a job well done?

    A paid day off
    A trip to a spa
    A bonus check
    A nice note
    Bragged about you in front of your co-workers
    A party
    A voicemail

    Save gas

    Fast Facts: Tips To Save Gas


    With the price of gasoline on the rise, many people are wondering how much gas can you really save by keeping your tires inflated or turning off your air conditioner? Or how about driving less aggressively or using your cruise control?
    Here are some of the top tips to stretch your dollar at the pumps.

    1.Avoid prolonged warming up of engine

    2. Don't start and stop engine needlessly. Idling your engine for one minute consumes the gas amount equivalent to when you start the engine.

    3. Avoid "reving" the engine, especially just before you switch the engine off. It wastes fuel and wears out cylinders.

    4. Stop jack-rabbit starts. Accelerate slowly when starting from dead stop instead of stomping on the gas. Also, don't slam on the breaks at every stop.

    5. Don't speed. Cars get about 21% more mileage at 55 mph then at 70 mph.

    6. Traveling at fast rates in low gears can consume up to 45% more fuel than is needed.

    7. Keep windows closed when traveling at highway speeds. Open windows cause air drag, reducing your mileage by 10%.

    8. Drive steadily. Slowing down or speeding up wastes fuel, which is why using cruise control can actually save you money.

    9.. Automatic transmissions should be allowed to cool down when your car is idling at a standstill, e.g. railroad crossings, long traffic lights, etc. Place gear into neutral position. This reduces transmission strain and allows transmission to cool.

    10. Park car so that you can later begin to travel in forward gear; avoid reverse gear maneuvers to save gas.

    11. Regular tune-ups ensure best economy.

    12. Use the lowest octane gas that won't make your engine knock.

    13. Inflate all tires to maximum limit.

    14. Remove vinyl tops - they cause air drag. Rough surfaces disturb otherwise smooth air flow around a car's body. Bear in mind when buying new cars that a fancy sun roof helps disturb smooth air flow (and mileage).

    15. Remove excess weight from trunk or inside of car.

    16. Car pools reduce travel monotony and gas expense - all riders chip in to help you buy.

    17. Use only your right foot for accelerating and braking. That way you can't accidentally ride the brake and use excessive gas.

    18. Shift into high gear as soon as possible. If you have automatic transmission, lift your foot from the accelerator about one second early.

    19. Make certain your gas cap fits properly.

    20. Use air conditioning only when necessary. Try opening the window.

    Thank them

    Get ready to recognize your associates during
    Administrative Professionals' Week!

    Administrative professionals are an integral part of your team, so show them how much you appreciate them! Administrative Professionals' Week is April 20-26 and it’s the perfect time to recognize the hard work, dedication and talents of the many administrative professionals that we employ on client assignments!

    If your branch has an associate in an administrative position, here are a few ways you can thank them for their efforts:

    • Click here for a Certificate of Appreciation that you can personalize, print and present to your associates.

    • Send them our new eCard – it's available on Marketing On Demand and has a customizable field to personalize your message.

    • Bagel/donut breakfast – Connect with your client contact and get their OK to arrange a special admin breakfast (or luncheon)at the job site. (NOTE: please make sure your VP approves your proposed spend.)

    • Give them a call to simply say “thank you!” for their hard work and commitment to Adecco.

    • Let your clients know, too! We have also created new emails to remind your clients to show their appreciation for their administrative professionals – get them today on Marketing On Demand!

    Be sure to take this opportunity to thank those who take care of your clients!