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  • Friday, February 20, 2009

    Are you late again?

    Are you always on time or are you always running late? About 20% of us run late. But what can you do about it?

    Check out this article I found. It has some helpful tips.

    Have a ‘chronically late’ personality?
    If you know why you’re always tardy, you can take steps to be on time
    By Dr. Gail Saltz
    TODAYShow.com contributor

    It doesn’t matter what’s your appointment, you’re always late. Always. You’re late for business meetings, your kid’s play, dinner with your new in-laws … everything. As the saying goes, you could even be late for your own funeral.
    Sure, your chronic tardiness bothers you, but it probably infuriates others who are constantly wasting their time waiting for you. Ever wonder what this is all about? Do you genuinely want to be on time and make your life happier and less stressful?Before you can change your behavior, you have to understand why you are chronically late. Much like procrastinators, people have different reasons for being tardy.
    Here are some of the main personality traits of so-called “late-niks”:

    Risk-takers: These people are addicted to the thrill of leaving for their appointed destination only when they absolutely must. They don’t mind taking the risk of being late, because they don’t want to risk being early and waiting for others. This may be because deep-down they fear feeling rejected, if they wind up waiting for others.
    Freedom-makers: Those who felt trapped by authority as children often grow up to be “late-niks,” who use lateness to feel free. Their intense wish not to be controlled by others may be at the root of their lateness. Or they may have a rebellious nature that essentially tells others: “You will not tell me how to run my life and when I have to be somewhere.”
    Organization-slackers: Another reason someone may be late is poor organizational skills. They have difficulty planning out a realistic schedule and calculating how long each of their tasks will take and how long it will take them to get to their appointments on time. These people generally have poor organizational skills, though they may be very intelligent.
    Trouble-avoiders: These people, unconsciously or even consciously, wish to avoid the people they are supposed to meet or the place where they are going. This may be the reason for their lateness. In these situations, lateness may be a form of passive-aggressive behavior. Since they’re angry that they must go to an appointment, they make others wait for them. These late-niks may not even be aware of their anger.

    If you want to stop being chronically late, the most important thing to do is to decide you really want to start being on time. Then, you have to figure out which “late-nik” personality you have. Understanding the underlying reasons why you are late, will give you a shot at changing your behavior.

    Dr. Gail Saltz's bottom line: Punctuality demonstrates a sense of responsibility. Being on time will impress others and make them feel valued.

    Thursday, February 19, 2009

    To hug or not to hug

    Today we talked about hugging. Are you a hugger and do you hug in the workplace? Does your company encourage it? I'm a big hugger but I can usually tell if someone is open to a hug or I'll ask first. But word is...it may take the place of a good ole fashioned handshake.

    Time magazine reflects in this week's issue that the hug is in many situations beginning to replace the handshake. Saying that the hug is gaining ground in not only social situations, but in the workplace too -- even on first meetings -- Time cites some possible explanations. Mental health professionals have chalked it up to a range of things, including increasing population density, community spirit among the "millennials" generation, and 9/11 bringing the country together.

    There's also some who point to pop culture influence, such as The Sopranos showing tough guys hugging, or the male stars of HBO's Entourage talking about "hugging it out." Time notes that the workplace hug can be a little tricky -- you don't want to cross the line that could make it seem inappropriate. And it's important that both people be on the same page, to avoid a hand slamming into someone else's stomach -- or someplace more delicate -- if a handshaker goes to greet a hugger.

    The magazine describes three types of common hugs:

    The Full Frontal Hug -- Total front body contact with a firm squeeze. This is used for parents, children and good friends.
    The A**-Out Hug -- These are those hugs when nothing touches below the shoulders. Time says this is used for the office and bad dates.
    The Hip-Hop Hug -- Shake with the right hand and hug with the left, giving two slaps on the back. Also called the Man Hug and the Hetero Hug

    Wednesday, February 18, 2009

    Men need to know

    This morning we asked you what was most attractive about your sweetheart...most of you said sense of humor, eyes and a good heart.

    But here are 5 things men should know about women.

    While there is no playbook for how to snag and keep a good woman, science has accumulated some helpful tips toward a successful romantic life designed to last well beyond Valentine's Day.

    Offer money, love and dependability
    Gals want looks and smarts. While you men can't control those two characteristics much, take heart: Money and character are also important to women. A study in December of more than 1,000 undergraduate students revealed women's top mate characteristics were mutual attraction and love, dependable character, and emotional stability.
    Quality time counts, too.
    A survey of more than 5,000 U.S. couples published in the journal Social Forces in 2006 suggested women are happiest in their marriages when men show a high level of emotional engagement: expressing positive emotions; being attentive to their wives' needs; and setting aside time for activities focused specifically on the relationship.

    Practice saying 'thank you'
    When it comes to a committed relationship, spats about money and household chores top the list of sources for marital rancor. And research has shown women take on the lion's share of laundry and such.
    Listen up, guys: One simple way to keep a lady happy even while buried beneath chores is to say "thank you."
    Results from a study of both married couples and college students living with roommates revealed that people who felt appreciated by their partners had less resentment over lopsided house labor. Those who felt appreciated also showed higher satisfaction with their relationships compared with other study participants.

    Don't be jealous
    The Brad Pitts of the world may be good for your relationship. Psychologists have found that after meeting an available, attractive guy, women are more likely to work to strengthen their current relationships. The study, published last year in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, ran lab-based experiments of more than 700 college men and women.
    In one experiment, women either met a single guy who flirted with them or an unavailable man who ignored them. Women who met the single guy were about 18 percent more likely to say they'd forgive their significant others for lying about the reason for canceling a date or other irritating behavior.
    In a similar situation, men who met a hot, single woman were about 12 percent less likely than other men to forgive partners' annoying behavior.

    Leave aggression on the field
    Women may dig guys roughing it up in a hockey game or other athletic competition. But when it comes to long-term romance, ladies would rather if their mates left such power punches on the ice (or other field), according to a study published in the December 2008 issue of the journal Personal Relationships.
    Jeffrey Snyder, a doctoral candidate and evolutionary anthropologist at UCLA, and his colleagues found that women preferred men who relied on prestige, or certain skills and accomplishments, to get to the top, as opposed to men who used subtle aggressive behaviors to reach a powerful position — say, in a fraternity.
    But don't women go for "bad guys?" Not when it comes to long-term relationships. If that aggressive man isn't flexible in his behavior, the result could be a domineering bully for a partner.
    "If you have one individual that every time they disagree they get coercive and insist that their perspective is best, that their decision is final, and they're going to get their way, that compromises the ability of individuals in a relationship to coordinate," Snyder told LiveScience. "Basically what I'm talking about is inviting a jerk into your household."

    Watch her heart
    Chocolates may be one way to a woman's heart on Valentine's Day, but true love is more than a box of chocolates. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, and studies have found women, being generally so bighearted, are more likely to than men to discount their own risk of heart disease. Your job, men: Make sure your sweetie gets regular checkups and takes care of herself.
    "Women must get serious about heart disease and take control of their heart health, starting at an early age," said Elizabeth Nabel, director of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. "Younger women need to take steps now, like eating a healthy diet and being physically active, to help prevent heart disease later."

    Tuesday, February 17, 2009

    Divot pooped out

    The end of a very busy Valentines weekend for us and Divot.

    Divot does the Keys

    Our new puppy "Divot" had a wonderful time in the Keys.

    Valentine makegood

    I had a lovely Valentines Day with Howard. We spent it in the Keys, there was roses, cards and bling!

    Jeff Martin had a romantic one too. He was with a mystery woman in New York. I WANT DETAILS, JEFF!!!

    But if you messed up and forgot you may be in the doghouse. Here is some help to get back in her good graces.

    Don't try to redo Valentine's Day

    This is crucial to getting forgiveness. Your sweetheart probably would have happily accepted most generic Valentine’s Day gifts on the actual day, but a heart-shaped box of chocolates that you bought at half-price at the drugstore the day after isn’t going to cut it now. It’s lame and will only remind her of your initial screwup. Your mission now is to totally knock her socks off with a well thought-out and unique surprise.

    Is there a posh eatery she’s been dying to go to? You're more likely to get a reservation on a Sunday evening anyway, and it will make an otherwise ordinary night special.

    Has it been a while since the two of you spent some time alone? Plan a weekend getaway at a cute bed and breakfast or quiet beach resort.Low on cash? It’s all about the personal touches in your plan, not how much cash you drop.

    Can’t afford a fancy dinner out? Try making up for a bad Valentine's Day by cooking her an elegant meal at your place.

    Not able to swing a mini-vacation at the moment? Think up some activity outside of your routine you’d both enjoy, like taking a day trip to a vineyard or going paint-balling.

    Have a backup make-up plan
    You have to prepare yourself for rejection when it comes to your make-up plan. She wants the compensation from you but she might be too stubborn to forgive and forget your original offense, so you have to be ready with a plan B. It’s all about being accommodating now.If she refuses any of your initial ideas, try a backup plan that doesn’t require her participation at all.

    Have a surprise lunch from her favorite restaurant delivered to her at work with a handwritten note from you. Schedule a massage for her and have the spa deliver the news to confirm it to her.

    The element of surprise coupled with thoughtfulness that proves you’re thinking only about her happiness should be enough to melt even the iciest of shoulders.Valentine’s Day may be a little corny, but at its core it celebrates love and gives you the opportunity to show your girlfriend just how much you appreciate her. To make up for a bad Valentine's Day, all you need is a solid recovery plan and she'll be swooning. Just don’t forget it again next year -- then you’re on your own.