Friday, March 28, 2008
Precious Princess!

Thursday, March 27, 2008
More cooking disasters
Jeff admits to getting a little carried away with the grill and scorching his eyebrows.
I melted my can-opener when I put it down on a burner with the stove on.
Let us know if you've done something that's not already included in Susan's Survey.
Coping with nerves
Here are some techniques to put those habits to rest, at least during key times, like during an interview or on a date.
Can't look someone in the eye? Practice at home in front of your mirror, pretending that you're the other person. Challenge yourself to look into your own eyes for at least 1 minute, increasing the time gradually. You can also try leaning slightly forward toward the person you're trying to converse with. Your body language will demonstrate your interest, and by physically moving yourself forward, it will be harder to look away.
Foot tapper? Cross your feet at the ankles.
Finger tapper? Put your hands in your pockets. Likewise for knuckle-crackers. Also effective if you catch yourself playing with your hair. Or you can put your up in a bun - then there's nothing to play with.
Other tips to cope with nerves:
Wear clothes that make you feel and look good, to boost your confidence.
For a job interview, be familiar with the job description, and how your skills match what the company is looking for.
For a date, prepare some conversation starters in advance. Ask open-ended questions so your date can talk and reveal his own personality. Be yourself - you're most charming and interesting when you're not trying to be something you're not.
Precious Princess!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Player or Good Guy?
He's bold. He doesn't approach women with the same nerves or awkwardness of a normal guy. He'll walk up confidently, with a big smile and great eye contact. This doesn't mean you should look for the opposite -- a stuttering wreck -- but be wary of a guy who acts completely bulletproof.
He declares his feelings right away. Players employ a "fast come-on," making sweeping statements of affection from the word go. These declarations can feel very welcome, especially if you've been in a string of relationships that lacked such intimacy. Just remember that true closeness takes time, and it's normal for a guy to be more guarded about his emotions.
He always plans romantic dates. Dating for the player is kind of a performance art. And he's going to be good at it. Nice guys can be romantic, too, but life with them won't always feel like a John Cusack movie.
He has lots of acquaintances, no close friends. The player tends to be a lone wolf. That doesn't mean he lacks for drinking buddies. The same way he charms women, he can charm lots of people in his life. The key is that, in friendship as in romance, his affections run broad but not deep.
He's a thrill seeker. A guy who spends his spare time looking for a rush -- fast driving, bungee jumping, kite-boarding, heli-skiing -- should give you pause. This type craves the high that comes from conquering a difficult challenge, and that goes for his relationship goals as well. Once he's "conquered" you, your allure may quickly fade.
He's goofy. The sincere suitor is not suave. He doesn't always say the right thing. It may sound weird to go into a date hoping for a pratfall, but it's not a bad thing.
He remembers personal details and events. It's the most basic way to show someone you care -- by learning about his or her life and interests. Players can't be bothered with this. Trifling as it sounds, if a guy remembers to bring over your favorite ice cream or shows up at your pal's birthday party, he might just be a keeper.
He treats his mama right. Generally speaking, a loving family begets a loving person, and the opposite is also true. The wounded outcast who is betrayed by his parents makes a hot lead in a soap opera, but not the best boyfriend. Try the good-hearted guy who flies home for his mom's birthday instead.
He can mingle. The sincere guy doesn't mind being in a room with people who are more accomplished than he is. Conversely, the player wants to be in situations that will glorify only himself, especially around his woman. He doesn't want to listen to another man's interesting story. A loving guy, on the other hand, can mix with others even when he's not the star of the show, and actually enjoys learning things from them.
He says, "I love you." As fawning as a player's affections are, there's still something sacred about the L-bomb. A guy who says those three magic words may very well mean them.
Precious Princess

Introducting Princess Briyanah
Briyanah is 2 years old, and her mommy, Martine, is very proud!
They'll join LITE FM for "Disney On Ice Presents Princess Wishes. Congratulations to all the Precious Princesses. Don't miss the awe inspiring princesses when Disney On Ice presents Princess Wishes at the American Airlines Arena March 26-30 and BankAtlantic Center April 3-6.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Omelet advice
Here is my recipe for the most delicious omelette:
3 Idaho Potatoes (leave skins on)
6 Eggs
Pecorino Romano Cheese (grated)
Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Canola Oil
The best way to do the potatoes is to microwave them. Pierce the potatoes, put in microwave for 5-6 minutes. Remove from microwave. Cut potatoes in half (lengthwise) Slice in thick slices (approx. 1/4 inch thick). Put oil in skillet, preferable non-stick (enough to coat bottom), turn stove on medium. Put potatoes in skillet, season with Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder & Onion Powder; or you can use Seasoned Salt & Garlic Powder. Cook until lightly brown.
Beat eggs and add 1/4-1/3 cup Pecorino Romano Cheese, 1/3 cup (I never measure anything) Mayonnaise, Beat together. Pour Egg mixture in skillet. (Cook on Medium Low). I always cover the skillet with a lid. Turn omelette over and cook other side. If you'd like you can top this with American Cheese slices, I prefer Boar's Head brand. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!
Buon Appetite,
Arta Impliazzo
Leftover eggs
Okay. Easter is over. A good time was had by all. There were chocolates and grand style feasting, and of course, Easter Eggs. Lots and lots of Easter Eggs. So many Easter Eggs. Never have you and your family turned out such masterpieces of Easter art. You just couldn't stop!
But what are you left with after the bunny goes home? A couple of extra pounds from all the chocolate, a pile of brightly colored egg shells and lots and lots of hard boiled eggs.
We love coloring eggs as much as anyone. But we HATE wasting food. What follows is a list of ten fabulous things to make with leftover eggs.
Precious Princess Winner

Introducing Princess Stephany!
She will join LITE FM for "Disney On Ice Presents Princess Wishes. Congratulations to all the Precious Princesses. Don't miss the awe inspiring princesses when Disney On Ice presents Princess Wishes at the American Airlines Arena March 26-30 and BankAtlantic Center April 3-6.
Look at that sweet face!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Youtube winners
Check 'em out.
Precious Princess Winner

Introducing Princess Leah!
She will join LITE FM for "Disney On Ice Presents Princess Wishes. Congratulations to all the Precious Princesses. Don't miss the awe inspiring princesses when Disney On Ice presents Princess Wishes at the American Airlines Arena March 26-30 and BankAtlantic Center April 3-6.
Love the hat, Leah!