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  • Friday, September 28, 2007

    Ten Ways to Improve Your Interpersonal Skills

    Don't discount the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace. How you are perceived by your manager and coworkers plays a large role in things as minor as your day-to-day happiness at the office and as major as the future of your career.

    No matter how hard you work or how many brilliant ideas you may have, if you can't connect with the people working around you, your professional life will suffer. The good news is that there are several concrete things you can do to improve your social skills and become closer to your colleagues, all of which will ultimately help you succeed in today's working world.

    Try these 10 helpful tips for improving your interpersonal skills:

    Smile. Few people want to be around someone who is always down in the dumps. Do your best to be friendly and upbeat with your coworkers. Maintain a positive, cheerful attitude about work and about life. Smile often. The positive energy you radiate will draw others to you.
    Be appreciative. Find one positive thing about everyone you work with and let them hear it. Be generous with praise and kind words of encouragement. Say thanks when someone helps you. Make colleagues feel welcome when they call or stop by your office. If you let others know that they are appreciated, they'll want to give you their best.
    Pay attention to others. Observe what's going on in other people's lives. Acknowledge their happy milestones and express concern and sympathy for difficult situations such as an illness or death. Make eye contact and address people by their first names. Ask others for their opinions.
    Practice active listening. Actively listening is a way of demonstrating that you intend to hear and understand another's point of view. It means restating, in your own words, what the other person has said. Your coworkers will appreciate knowing you really do listen to what they have to say.
    Bring people together. Create an environment that encourages others to work together. Treat everyone equally and don't play favorites. Avoid talking about others behind their backs. Follow up on other people's suggestions or requests. When you make a statement or announcement, check to see that you have been understood. If folks see you as someone solid and fair, they will grow to trust you.
    Resolve conflicts. Take a step beyond simply bringing people together and become someone who resolves conflicts when they arise. Learn how to be an effective mediator. If coworkers are bickering over personal or professional disagreements, arrange to sit down with both parties and help sort out their differences. By taking on such a leadership role, you will garner respect and admiration from those around you.
    Communicate clearly. Pay close attention to both what you say and how you say it. Being a clear and effective communicator helps you avoid misunderstandings with coworkers. Verbal eloquence projects an image of intelligence and maturity, no matter what your age. If you tend to blurt out anything that comes to mind, people won't put much weight on your words or opinions.
    Humor them. Don't be afraid to be funny or clever. Most people are drawn to a person that can make them laugh. Use your sense of humor as an effective tool to lower barriers and gain people's affection.
    See it from their side. Empathy means being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand how they feel. Try to see things from another person's perspective. You can help yourself with this by staying in touch with your own emotions, since those who are cut off from their feelings are often unable to empathize with others.
    Don't complain. There is nothing worse than a chronic complainer or whiner. If you simply have to vent about something, save it for your diary. But spare those around you, or else you'll get a bad reputation.

    6 strategies for successful complaints

    Whether the issue is a lumpy hotel bed or a fraudulent charge on your credit card, victory at the complaint counter hinges more on strategy than on the volume of your voice.

    Don't be bullied


    Understand the bully: In reality, a bully has a very poor self-image and a total lack of people skills. The bully's attempt to control or overpower people stems from his fear of being insignificant, while his know-it-all behavior has its roots in his dread of being wrong. To combat his own self-esteem issues, a bully usually treats people offhandedly, disrespectfully and dismissively.
    Stand up to the bully: It is important to be assertive the moment you sense a bully infringing on you; however, while this early stand may prevent escalation, it may also result in you getting your ass kicked. Generally, a bully has a "baiting" period at the onset of his reign, to see who is susceptible to bullying. If you don't show any signs of weakness, he'll realize that you're not susceptible and will eventually retreat to find somebody else to torment. This early assertiveness needn't be physical -- just speak with authority and confidence to demonstrate a commanding presence.
    Laugh off the bully: Although it takes great guts to laugh off the hulking bully who stands before you, it is a surprisingly effective technique. You must understand that there are two ways to use laughter: You can either choose to laugh with the bully, which will position you as a harmless guy not worthy of pursuit, or you can laugh at the bully, effectively calling his bluff and humiliating him publicly. However, if not done convincingly, the latter option could result in your rear getting kicked -- again.
    Distract the bully: Distracting the bully will buy you more time and temporarily deflect his attention from you. They say attack is the best form of defense, so defend yourself by attacking somebody else. Before your gym-going competitor can brag about his max lift versus yours, for instance, bring the bully's attention to the scrawnier guy across the room. If this scrawny guy looks weaker and frailer than you, then you can be guaranteed that the bully will have something to say about him and hopefully, in the process, he'll forget about you.
    Attack the bully: If actions speak louder than words, then you must attack the bully directly. Study him to find out where his weaknesses are and, the next time he approaches you, rip into his insecurities. If you know that the bullying soccer dad's weakness is losing, for example, constantly remind him of the time his son lost an important game two years ago. His son may well have won every game since, but you can bet that his son's one failure remains very fresh in the bully's mind. However, be prepared for the consequences if you push that "Do Not Touch" red button one too many times.

    Go outside and play tomorrow!

    It's something many a parent has said to a child: turn off that TV and go outside and play.
    Come tomorrow, one TV network will do its part -- by turning itself off for a while. Nickelodeon will go dark for three hours in an effort to get its viewers to get out and exercise. It's the fourth annual worldwide day of play and it begins at noon. Later, Nickelodeon will highlight kids who been inspired to get more exercise. One is Kenderick, a 13-year-old boy from Little Rock, Arkansas. He says he's dropped 40 pounds since getting into the workout groove in April.

    How much do you know about hormone therapy?

    Fewer than one third of women 40 to 60 years old have heard about the landmark study that found the risks of hormone therapy for most menopausal women probably outweigh their benefits.
    And just 40 percent got more answers right than wrong on a series of questions about whether hormone therapy increased or reduced the risk of seven different conditions, according to the report in Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society. The findings show that new approaches are needed for conveying important medical information to the public.

    Volunteer your time and talents

    If you'd like to help a charity but don't know how to get started. Check out Volunteer Broward and they can help you begin.

    They refer individuals and groups to over 600 nonprofit organizations in Broward County, Florida. The need for volunteers is constant and overwhelming. There are literally thousands of volunteer opportunities to choose from.

    Thursday, September 27, 2007

    14th Annual Celebrity Chefs Food Tasting & Auction

    The event is tomorrow September 28th at 7pm. You can help the Ann Storck Center.

    Get all the details of the event here.

    Star in your own romance novel

    Personalized romance novels can get your lazy lover going. A cool website called
    your novel.com allows couples to answer a quick questionnaire and send in pictures of themselves so you can star in a romance novel. You just pick if you want it "mild" or "wild".


    The freshman mindset

    The freshmen mindset list- Here's what your young people graduating in 2010 know about the world, and now, you will, too!

    They have only known 2 presidents,
    They grew up in minivans, not station wagons,
    Google has always been a verb,
    Text messaging is their mail,
    They have rarely ever used a postage stamp,
    Reality shows have always been on TV
    The Soviet Union has never existed,
    There's always only been ONE Germany,
    And finally, a cup of coffee takes longer to make than a milkshake- I know...that's just wrong, but it still tastes so darned good...

    Breast cancer link with alcohol

    Researchers say women who have just one or two drinks a day increase their risk of breast cancer by 10 percent, regardless of whether it's beer, wine or liquor. One cancer expert calls it "a hugely underestimated riskfactor."

    Previous studies have shown a link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer, but there have been conflicting messages about the effects of different kinds of alcohol. They found no difference in the risk of developing breast cancer among women who drank wine, beer or liquor. But women who had one or two drinks a day increased their risk by 10 percent. Women who drank more than three drinks a day raised their risk by 30 percent.

    The lead researcher, Dr. Arthur Klatsky of the U.S., says it's more evidence on why heavy drinkers should quit or at least cutdown.

    Ways to save your relationship

    Top Ten Ways to Save Your Relationship
    (from Romancetracker.com)

    1. Make your sweetheart your number one priority
    We all have responsibilities in our lives that take us away from our families and lovers, and fulfilling those responsibilities is part of being a good partner and a romantic person. But even if you can’t spend as much time with your sweetheart as you would like, there are lots of ways to make it clear to them that they are still the number-one priority in your life.
    2. Learn about your sweetheart’s interests
    We all bring unique interests, hobbies and talents to a relationship, and learning about your lover’s tastes and skills is a great way to appreciate them more and share rewarding time together. Learning from each other and experiencing new things as a couple will bring you closer together, make your relationship more exciting and expand your horizons.
    3. Brag about your relationship
    No one likes a loudmouth who never shuts up about their love life, but telling your friends, family and coworkers about how much you love your romantic relationship is a great way to make your sweetheart feel appreciated and make you excited about your romance. Making it a habit to tastefully mention how thankful you are to have your lover will only make your relationship stronger.
    4. Say “I’m proud of you” to your sweetheart
    Everyone likes to feel that they are appreciated, and telling your lover that you are proud of them is one of the simplest . . . and least used . . . ways to make them feel good about themselves and your romantic relationship. Whether you’re telling them how much you appreciate the job they do, their role in your relationship, or their sacrifices, “I’m proud of you” are four of the most effective words you can use to save your romance.
    5. Lead by example
    Keeping score of who’s more romantic in your relationship is one of the worstways to promote romance in your relationship. Just as members of any successful team have learned, the best way to encourage a certain kind of behavior in others is to lead by example. So be more romantic with your lover, but don’t insist they do the same. With enough encouragement, you may be surprised to see them start to come around themselves.
    6. Call in sick to work to spend time with your sweetheart
    I’m not saying you should try to get fired from your job, but if you’re doing well at work there is nothing wrong with taking a tiny holiday to spend time with the most important person in your life. Briefly putting off other responsibilities to be with your lover is a great way to show them that they are the number one priority in your world.
    7. Introduce some competition into your relationship
    No, I don’t mean to make your sweetheart jealous by dating another person. But a little good-natured romantic competition–whether it’s through competitive games, contests, sports, or bets–can be a terrific way to add a little excitement, interaction, and playfulness into your relationship.
    8. Compliment your sweetheart every now and then
    Sure, it’s easy to overdo compliments and come across as over-the-top or insincere. But regardless of whether or not your lover knows how you feel about them, a simple, kind compliment once in a while goes a long way in making them feel good about themselves and your relationship.

    9. Get over your fear of coming across as too “clingy”
    There’s a big difference between being tastefully romantic with your sweetheart and being “clingy.” Hand-holding, simple kisses on the cheek and other subtle acts of love are nothing to be ashamed of. It shows your lover that you aren’t embarrassed of your romance and will add a much-needed dimension to your relationship.
    10. Learn to love yourself
    Part of the reason why some people have a difficult time appreciating romantic gestures is that they don’t understand why their lover is so fond of them. Learning to appreciate your own talents, gifts and innate goodness will help you appreciate your sweetheart’s feelings and let you accentuate your best qualities. Ultimately, learning to love yourself will teach you how to love your romantic partner more.

    Wednesday, September 26, 2007

    Burying your goldfish will help your teen

    Parents and teens may not see eye-to-eye, but one writer is trying to help parents get their message across. In the book, "How to bury a gold fish: and other ceremonies for everyday life" the author believes that performing small ceremonies, like flushing a goldfish down the toilet, father son journeys, or celebratory haircuts with your teen will help them from becoming depressed and withdrawn.

    How to Bury a Goldfish instills meaning in the passages of everyday life. It melds many of the world's oldest traditions with contemporary celebrations, allowing people to honor life's events in tangible ways. Not a book of complex rituals with several elements, this is a collection of simple celebrations for anyone in the family.

    The "rituals" the authors describe are so basic that it's hard to believe a publisher was interested in putting out this book -- such novel ideas as having family members write down resolutions on New Year's Eve and help each other through the year with sticking to the resolutions, writing "I love you" on the napkin you put in your child's lunch, taking your child's picture every year on the first day of school. The book is in stores now.

    Got a headache?

    How to stop a headache before it starts
    8 drug-free tips to avoid agony and painproof your day

    By Jaydine Sayer
    Self Magazine

    7 a.m.: Abide the alarm Snoozing in for more than an hour can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle, and anything that tinkers with your body’s natural rhythms may prime you for pain, says Lisa Mannix, M.D., a spokeswoman for the National Headache Foundation in Chicago. Commit to waking up (and going to bed) at the same time every day — yes, that includes weekends, too.

    7:45 a.m.: Get caffeinated If you often have a pick-me-up drink (coffee, tea or soda), by all means keep enjoying it, says Richard Lipton, M.D., professor of neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, New York. Caffeine activates receptors in your brain; skip your fix and your head might surely revolt.

    10:45 a.m.: Do a posture check Are you sitting up straight with your shoulders down and back? If not, readjust. The main sensory nerve in your forehead is rooted in the base of your neck — which is why experiencing muscle tension there or in your shoulders can lead to head pain.

    11:30 a.m.: Break for H2O Doctors know dehydration is a common trigger of headaches. But ask them to explain why, and they have no clear answer. Maybe it hurts their head to think about it too much. Either way, fill up on fluids frequently. Keep a water bottle at your desk, and refill it several times throughout the day.

    12:30 p.m.: Skip the sandwich Certain substances such as nitrates (in lunch meats), tyramine (in soft cheeses) and MSG (in some Chinese dishes) can alter neurotransmitters and spark a migraine in susceptible people. (Download a headache log at Self.com to identify your food triggers.) Have a protein and healthy fat to avoid the sugar crash that a meal of only simple carbs can induce.

    3 p.m.: Take a time-out When you’re overly anxious, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline surge, which prompts your body to pump out sugar. The rapid change in glucose can set you up for pain. But giving yourself a few minutes to decompress can keep stress from getting to you.

    6 p.m.: Slip into your sneakers Exercise increases circulation, relieves physical and mental tension and improves sleep, all of which help fight off aches. Need to inject excitement into your routine (or start one to begin with)? Check out the Reach Your Goal plan at Self.com.

    8:30 p.m.: Wind down slowly When you instantly crash on the couch, your brain chemicals continue to rev. That imbalance may contribute to what is called a let-down headache. Because it’s smart to give your body and mind some transition time do a calming activity — try a few stretches, curl up with a book, whatever you like. Come time for bed, you’ll be relaxed, happy and ready for a new day.

    When to start parenting your parents

    When your aging parent needs help, it's often up to you.

    Here are 24 tips on how to make it work. As much as you might want to, you can't do it all. Decide what you are willing to do, then stick with it.

    Have "the talk" with your teen

    So have you had "the talk" yet with your teens?

    No, not about the birds and the bees, but about online predators and the peer-to-peer nets. A new survey indicates a lot of people have. The study by Common Sense Media and Cable in the Classroom finds that 85 percent of parents and legal guardians of children who go online have talked to their kids about how to behave on the Internet. More than 93 percent say they have taken steps to make sure the Web sites their kids check out meet their standards. Among those surveyed, parents say the biggest issues to warn about are excessive exposure to ads or commercialism online;exposure to bad language, sexual or violent content online, and exposure to misleading or bad information.

    The month for hot flashes

    If you've been asking "Is it hot in here? Or is it me?"

    September is National Menopause Awareness Month and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is implementing a nationwide information campaign to raise awareness about the resources available to address questions related to the benefits and risks of hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms. For more information click here and take control of those hot flashes.

    Tuesday, September 25, 2007

    Yoga helps avert a disaster at work

    And yet another benefit to add to the many of practicing yoga!

    Courtesy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

    A little yoga before heading out to work could help avert a disaster at work. According to the bureau experts, the most injuries occur during the first 2-4 hours of work. They report that it's due to people not being physically or mentally "on the ball" when they first get on the job. Yoga has proven benefits to make you stronger and more alert!

    So, go meditate, practice your tree salute!

    The way to a woman's heart...

    They say the way to a woman's heart is through her ears- which means that what you say has a huge impact on how a woman feels about you. So for the gents, here are some common dating scenarios, and the power words you can use to woo the woman you're pursuing:

    Instead of "Wanna go out for dinner?", try, "Would you like to go out for Thai food Friday night?" By changing your words, you're creating an experience she can visualize; you're actually putting her in the moment.

    Now you're at the restaurant, because she said yes, of course. The entrees have arrived. You'd like to offer her a bite of your dinner, because it's delicious, and, psychologically, if she accepts your bite, she's accepting you. So instead of, "Want a spoon of this dessert?", try, "Can I share a bite of my cheesecake with you?"

    Date's over- it went great! How to secure a second date: instead of, "Are you free next Saturday?" Try, "I'd love to see you again; maybe we could try getting together next Saturday, because I have tickets for a concert." Saying "maybe we could try" might sounds wimpy, but it gives the woman a chance to say yes, without feeling pressure. And according to psychologists, the word "because" is the magic word, people agree much more often because they like to hear the reasoning behind the request.

    Laundry 101

    Doing the laundry properly will extend the life of your clothes. Once you know the basics -- such as how to pretreat stains, select laundry products, and use the washer and dryer -- getting the laundry done is quite simple.

    We'll cover every aspect of doing laundry in this article, from the sorting stage to drying your clothes. As you'll see, there are many tricks that will enable you to do these tasks quickly, efficiently, and proficiently. The end result will be evident in the lasting quality of your clothes.

    Water safety in a turtle?

    When it comes to pool safety and your children, nothing beats swimming lessons and strict supervision at a young age, but now a new alarm system called the safety turtle that your child wears on their wrist allows two layers of protection that could save your child's life.
    Most tragedies happen during social gatherings at home. A so-called water watcher card designates one person to keep their eyes on the kids in the pool. The layers of protection for your child continue with making sure doors are locked and pool fences properly latched. Another layer of protection is a safety turtle wristband, a personal alarm for your child to wear. The alarm goes off the minute it gets wet. Many like to wear it.

    Women need to get moving

    More than 50 percent of American women do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits.

    For adults, thirty minutes of moderate physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week is recommended. It doesn’t take a lot of time or money, but it does take commitment. Start slowly, work up to a satisfactory level, and don’t overdo it. You can develop one routine, or you can do something different every day. Find fun ways to stay in shape and feel good, such as dancing, gardening, cutting the grass, swimming, walking, or jogging.

    I like to roller blade...the faster I go, the more the wind keeps me cool.

    Monday, September 24, 2007

    Mosquito ringtones

    The war between teens and authority figures has a new — or old — front: ears. British shopkeepers tired of teenage loiterers have turned to the Mosquito teen repellent, which emits a high-pitch frequency that most teenagers can hear — but not most adults.

    But now teens have struck back against the Mosquito: They are using the same sound to communicate without adults' knowledge.

    Can coffee hurt a kids health?

    Kids and coffee.

    A recent Harvard study found that when kids were given just one cup of coffee a day for a year, but then had it suddenly stop, they went into withdrawal. 75 percent suffered from mood disorders like fatigue or depression, and 83 percent of them suffered from headaches. Caffeine excess can also cause a rapid heart rate and rhythm problems in kids, some suffer insomnia or irritability, and it commonly causes diarrhea. One doctor says for kids a little cafe is ok, but don’t make it everyday.

    Don't be a dull girl

    While some women are simply born with naturally shiny hair, the rest of us can still "build" it with proper care and primo products.

    In fact, the good news is that shiny hair starts the second you step in the shower. While excessive shampooing can contribute to the dull-hair problem you're trying to fix, some great shine-enhancing sudsers do exist. Well-formulated conditioners are another everyday basic that can boost your hair's beauty. Add in just the right dose of frizz-fighting styling product for additional luster.

    Wearing Jeans at work can benefit your health

    Are you a ‘blue jean queen’ – or king – at work? Well, good for you!

    Researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that people who wore jeans on the job logged almost 600 more steps throughout the day than they did on days when they wore business attire – like suits or slacks. That’s an extra quarter of a mile! Why would jeans make you want to move more? Experts think it’s because employees feel more comfortable in their blues, which makes them more active. But burning extra calories isn’t the only benefit of wearing jeans to work! Here are a few more. Courtesy of Men’s Health Magazine.

    Wearing jeans gives you sharper vision. If you’ve got jeans on, you’re more likely to leave your desk. And leaving your desk for just 5 minutes gives your eyes some much-needed recovery time from the strain caused by staring at your computer screen. That’s the word from a study in the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Journal.

    The next blue jean benefit is for bosses: It’ll give you a happier staff. According to researchers at Claremont Graduate University in California, employees feel better about their bosses when they see them face-to-face. Why? It’s probably because communicating by e-mail leaves room for both you – and your boss – to misinterpret each other’s words. So bosses, how can you get your employees to come see you? Let them wear jeans – so they’re more likely to get up and walk down the hall.

    They’ll unclog your arteries. Researchers at Johns Hopkins found that isolated employees are more likely to develop – and die from – cardiovascular disease. But since workers move more when they wear jeans, they’ll be more likely to take a stroll down to their co-worker’s cubicle.

    So let’s see. Wearing jeans to work helps you burn more calories, they preserve your peepers, give bosses a happier staff, and can unclog your arteries. I say bring on casual Friday!