WOMEN ALLOWED TO PROPOSE!What?! Allowed? Wow. Talk about "old school". A woman, a lady, may
ask a man to dance, or for a date, and she may also ask for his hand in
marriage. It will not take away her femininity, or her dignity. Why should it?
There's nothing wrong with women asking. Unless of course, you are among
the many different groups of people who do see that as very un-lady-like.
The legend has it that in the year 1288, in Scotland, it was made legal for
women to propose to men in a Leap Year only. If he declines, he must
provide her with a silk dress, or a pair of gloves. There was a fine for the
guy if he said no! That's so unfair. I am so thankful that is not the case
The legend spread around the world and soon there were many Leap Year
Balls and Leap Year Dances. Some were being held so the women may
ask the man to dance. And some were specifically for the woman to ask
him for his hand in marriage.
Leap Day and the events because of Leap Day, are often mistaken for
Sadie Hawkins Day, but that is in November. The only similarity is in the
fact that the woman has the opportunity to do the asking. February 29 is
NOT Sadie Hawkins Day. It is Leap Year Day, or simply, Leap Day.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, there were many postcards depicting
women asking, even begging, the man to marry her. The postcard on the
bottom right is a perfect example of the woman asking for his hand. She
has gone straight to the man's father to ask him.
Well, here in the early part of the second millennium, it is more of a
romantic idea than law. There are many people wanting to ask, or even
get married in a Leap Year.