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  • Monday, March 10, 2008

    Your well-being

    How Healthy Are You?

    Of course you should get a physical every year, but there are some simple things you can do at home that will tell you a lot about your physical well-being and warn you of possible problems ahead. So put these quick checks from //Fitness// magazine on your to-do list to make sure you stay healthy:

    * **Get on the scale and record how much weight you’ve gained since
    high school**. If it’s more than 11 pounds, try to drop the
    weight. If you’ve gained more than that you’re at an increased
    risk for the most common cancers. In a study by the American
    Cancer Society, women who gained more than 20 pounds after age 18
    had a 40 percent higher risk of breast cancer than women who’d
    stayed within 5 pounds of their teenage weight.
    * **Count the moles on your body**. If it’s more than 50, it could
    be a problem - you could be at an increased risk of melanoma, a
    deadly type of skin cancer. If you see any moles that are lumpy or
    asymmetrical or strange in any way, have them checked out.
    * **Notice how often you have a headache or an upset stomach**. If
    it’s more than once a month, it could be a warning sign of
    emotional overload. About half of women in their thirties get
    tension headaches. You should see your doctor to eliminate a
    physical cause, but even if it’s stress-related, you still need to
    deal with it. Research shows that stress weakens your immune
    system and puts you at greater risk for heart disease. For an easy
    stress buster, try laughing. Studies show that when people laugh
    they increase blood flow to their arteries and reduce their risk
    of heart disease.

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