There are many tough jobs during the holiday season but today most people that called me said Mail Carriers had the toughest job during the holidays. So, hats off to you! Thank you for a job well done through rain, sleet, and dead of night. Oh and your neighbors ferocious dog.
While mail carriers are normally paid well, they do have to work in all weather conditions. They are exposed everyday to the dangers of other drivers on the road, dogs and other animals. While you have 2 days off a week, mail is delivered on Saturday so you won't be getting many weekends off. Being a mail carrier is a tough job, depending on the route, you may need to carry a heavy mail bag and walk quite a distance in a day. But that is good exercise, right!
Some of the other tough jobs during the holidays that deserve mention. Our men and women serving in the military and away from home, the folks that clean up the stores we mess up, grocery stores, Mall Santa, retail sales, gift wrappers, bell ringers, firemen and police. Thank you all for keeping our holiday LITE and refreshing.
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