Vacations are very important to people. When the economy takes a downturn, vacations are one of the last things people want to give up. We all work so hard and we need time to get away and rejuvenate. The good thing about vacations is that they can be done very economically.
Here are a few ways I saved on our vacation this year:
I used my sky miles to save on airfare
I'm taking 1 bag because now you get charged for a second and its under 50 pounds (I hope)
We didn't get our rental car from the airport ..it saved us 50% (got it from a small town outside SF)
My sister is bringing a crock pot and cooking dinners in our room.
I've been saving a 50 dollar gas card for a long time...we'll use it on the trip.
We're staying in my mother-in-laws timeshare, taking advantage of a pull out bed ...so we have 4 to a room.
We bought our ski lift tickets on-line, in advance and saved 30 dollars per ticket
(My mom) grandma is watching the animals so i dont have to take them to be boarded.
We're getting a ride to and from the airport so no fee for long term parking.
Here are more tips for a frugal vacation.
I'll be back on the air on March 9th barring an avalanche!
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