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  • Tuesday, August 7, 2007

    Anger at work helps men, hurts women

    Getting angry at work may win men admiration, but for women it risks causing them to be viewed as out of control and incompetent, according to a new study. Yale University post-doctoral scholar Victoria Brescoli conducted tests in which men and women watched videos of a job interview and rated the applicant's status.

    In one, the scripts were the same except when the candidate described feeling either angry or sad about losing an account because a colleague arrived late at a meeting. The participants gave the most status to the man who said he was angry, the second most to the woman who said she was sad, slightly less on the man who said he was sad, and the least by a sizable margin on the woman who said she was angry.

    In another, the script was similar, but the applicant also described his or her current occupation as a trainee or senior executive. The angry female CEO was rated significantly less competent than the others, including the trainees, and the angry women were viewed as significantly more out of control.


    Anonymous said...

    This is so true I am a middle age women,I work in a male enviroment. How they look at me when I get angry it's like women are you out of your mind. or she must be having a bad day.How ever I see the differance when my male co-worker gets angry totally differant

    Susan Wise said...

    When I get mad...Jeff Martin calls it "righteous indignation"....but I know what you mean.