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  • Tuesday, January 8, 2008

    Start your day right

    Do you find yourself getting up on the wrong side of the bed? Here's a little science to help you make it the right side, and step into 2008 fully awake!

    First, leave your blinds half way open.
    Morning sunlight signals your brain to cut down on the production of melatonin, and bump up production of adrenaline. So when the alarm goes off, your body is already working on waking up.

    Program your coffee maker- and actually use the timer! Treat yourself to the best coffee you can afford, and put if half a scoop more than you normally use! The scent of strong coffee brewing activates the pleasure centers in the brain, and caffeine stimulates the central nervous system.

    Exercise for 30 minutes every morning! People who exercise in the morning are the most likely to stick with it, and the morning shot of endorphins and increased blood flow to the brain will have you thinking sharper, too.

    Finally, you'll have a better day if you can do the following: hug your spouse, your child, or even a pet before you leave home. Hugging decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and increases the levels of the 3 "feel good" brain chemicals- dopamine, seratonin and oxytocin.

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