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  • Tuesday, July 31, 2007

    Over 40 vision!

    Well, I knew the time would finally come. I have "reader" glasses everywhere...by my computer, in my purse, in the car and at work. That small print has become too darn small for me to read. So today I'm wearing my first pair of progressive glasses. I feel like I'm looking out of a fish bowl. But, everyone I've talked to says I have to give it some time and learn how to use them. Here are some tips I ran across that are supposed to help:

    A progressive lens is not designed to have clear vision throughout the entire lens. In learning to wear a progressive lens you must remember that like an hourglass the corridor is narrower in the middle than the top and bottom. To use the middle portion you need to use your nose like a pointer and turn your head slightly to look directly at your object to get the full advantage of the intermediate area. If you glance to either side you will run into the blended area and your vision will blur slightly. To adjust the power between the distance and the near you must move you head slowly up or down which changes the power according to how far away the object or reading material is from you. Generally your near distance is measured at about 16 to 18 inches or elbow distance. The intermediate distance is between you elbow and about 6 inches beyond your finger tips. The far vision is anything beyond the ends of your finger tips. When wearing a progressive for the first time you must tilt you chin toward your chest and look over the intermediate blend to see the floor since it is beyond your fingertips.
    (Your Eyeglasses and You)

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