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  • Tuesday, October 9, 2007

    Are you over-extending your kids?

    It’s pretty common to hear parents talk about racing their child from one club sport, to the next—or to an academic debate, school club or other roster of activities.
    For some children, adding extra-curricular activities may be due to the pressure of building a resume to get into a good college, while others feel peer pressure to hang out with a group of friends.
    Some parents might feel their child is “missing out” if he isn’t constantly occupied. There are various reasons, but it all adds up to overload.

    Look for signs of being over-loaded, such as: Feeling tired, exhausted or depressed. Not enjoying the activity they once loved. Lower grades in school. Complaining of headaches or body aches, which may be due to stress or lack of sleep. Having stomach pain, which may be due to missed meals or stress.

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