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  • Monday, April 7, 2008

    Put FUN in reFUNd

    10 funny tips for spending your tax refund

    More than half of Americans say they'll put their tax refunds into savings, and the rest say they'll pay off debt, do home improvements or give it to charity.

    How Americans actually use their tax refunds -- shows this breakdown: 34% will spend it on "the newest model of iPod. Every year. Forever."

    Another 20% will go for pay-per-view wrestling, 19% for Hannah Montana concert tickets, 9% for "personalized celebrity recording for answering machine," and it just gets worse from there.

    What are some ways to use that refund that aren't so ridiculous? The funniest personal-finance blogger on the Internet has some advice for you.

    We'll start with No. 10. "For the eternally single folks out there who, through no fault of their own (*cough* incredible unattractiveness *cough*), have not found the right person for them, I have just two words: Russian brides," he writes.
    No. 9 is filling the pantry. "Cereal 10 for $10? Buy 100 boxes! Steak for $2 a pound? Buy the cow! You'll save money as well as time you won't have to spend looking for deals on those items for a while."
    Improve your health is No. 6. "For example, if you sleep on a bed of straw, upgrade to a decent mattress," he advises.
    No. 5 is getting some culture. "Grab yourself some tickets to a Broadway show, a symphony, or something else entertaining and sophisticated.
    No. 1 is probably the best: "Save it anyway, dingus."

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