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  • Thursday, April 10, 2008

    Survive the dump



    One minute post-breakup
    What you'll feel like doing: Violent tantrums, bursting into tears, acting dazed.
    A better way to deal: Focus on yourself, notice your breathing, and attempt to slow things down in your body. Once you're calm, extract yourself from your now ex (ouch) so you can be alone -- or with friends -- to process the info.
    One hour post-breakup
    What you'll feel like doing: Trying to make yourself feel better -- eating three pints of Ben & Jerry's, drowning your sorrows in bourbon, going on a shopping spree, or calling your ex very late at night to make that "one last" point.
    A better way to deal: Doing things to soothe your spirit is healthy, as long as you don't pick something that will make you feel worse afterwards. Positive choices include talking to a close friend who will just listen or going to the gym. The endorphins you get after a workout (or even a long walk) can help counterbalance waves of sadness.
    One day post-breakup
    What you'll feel like doing: Being impulsive! You feel the sudden urge to call an ex, ask out 50 people online, get a tattoo, or cut off all your hair.
    A better way to deal: Recognize the tendency to do something impulsive, but don't act on it. No one likes to be rejected, but getting a Mohawk isn't going to help.
    Three days post-breakup
    What you'll feel like doing: Crawling in a hole, never leaving your bed, listening to "your song" on repeat.
    A better way to deal: Focus on getting rest, eating well and taking care of yourself, because you've had part of you ripped out of your life. Sticking to a routine that helps you stay occupied is smart.
    One week post-breakup
    What you'll feel like doing: Dialing your ex, logging into his or her email, obsessively checking your phone for messages, looking to see if his/her profile is reposted online.
    A better way to deal: Resist picking apart all the reasons your ex gave you for the breakup and thinking you can work your way back into his or her life if you just change that one little thing. It really helps to say, 'I'm going to grow from this no matter what.'
    Two weeks post-breakup
    What you'll feel like doing: Clinging to reminders of what it was like to be a couple, reminiscing about the bliss of being in a relationship, thinking you'll never love again.
    A better way to deal: This is the time to start clearing out "ex" reminders. Put photos away, delete your emails, rearrange your bedroom so you don't relive memories when you look at things, etc.
    One month post-breakup
    What you'll feel like doing: Trying to forget that this misery-making person was ever in your life. Who needs 'em?
    A better way to deal: Before you forget about your ex entirely, take a little time (now that you have some distance) to think more about him or her. Not to win him or her back, but to make some sense of the relationship and avoid repeating its mistakes.

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