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  • Thursday, November 8, 2007

    End workday interruptions

    We all nearly deal with workday interruptions- maybe from co-workers, calls from families, endless emails... If you're feeling the stress from this chaos in the workplace, follow these tips:

    1. Get a bigger monitor- researchers at Microsoft found that bigger computer monitors help people to work up to 44% faster- it's one of the best ways they found to increase productivity because workers are better able to focus.
    2. Put up a "Do Not Disturb" sign, or another obvious signal that you're busy, and insist that your co-workers respect it.
    3. Re-arrange your office furniture so that your desk is facing away from the flow of people- this way no one can catch your eye as they're walking past; when we make eye contact with others, they may feel more comfortable to stop and chat.
    4. Always stand to talk to someone who has interrupted you. It's not natural, and likely to serve as a sign that they've disturbed your routine.
    5. Keep a notebook handy, and the next time you're facing an interruption, take a moment to write down what you were doing. Studies show that it takes anywhere from 3-15 minutes to recover from an interruption, and this'll help you get back on track faster.

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